Delays in Call Execution During Half-Open State with Resilience4j Circuit Breaker in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide
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Delays in Call Execution During Half-Open State with Resilience4j Circuit Breaker in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to building resilient and fault-tolerant systems, circuit breakers play a crucial role in preventing cascading failures. In Spring Boot, Resilience4j is a popular library that provides an implementation of the circuit breaker pattern. However, when using Resilience4j with Spring Boot, you might encounter an issue with delays in call execution during the half-open state. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to resolve it.

What is Resilience4j and Circuit Breaker?

Before we dive into the issue, let’s quickly cover the basics. Resilience4j is a popular Java library that provides a set of components to build resilient and fault-tolerant applications. One of its key features is the circuit breaker, which is a pattern that detects when a service is not responding and prevents further requests from being sent to it until it becomes available again.

A circuit breaker typically has three states:

  • Closed: The circuit breaker is closed, and requests are sent to the service as usual.
  • Open: The circuit breaker is open, and requests are blocked, preventing further failures.
  • : The circuit breaker is half-open, and a single request is sent to the service to check if it’s available again.

The Problem: Delays in Call Execution During Half-Open State

When using Resilience4j with Spring Boot, you might notice that during the half-open state, there’s a significant delay in call execution. This delay can be frustrating, especially when you’re expecting a timely response from your system. But what causes this delay?

Reasons Behind the Delay

There are two primary reasons behind the delay in call execution during the half-open state:

  1. : Resilience4j uses a scheduled thread pool to execute the half-open request. This thread pool is used to schedule the request after a certain timeout, which can lead to delays.
  2. : The timeout configuration for the half-open state is set too high, causing the delay.

Resolving the Delay Issue

Now that we’ve identified the causes, let’s explore the solutions:

Configuring the Scheduled Thread Pool

To resolve the delay caused by the scheduled thread pool, you can configure the thread pool to use a smaller pool size and a shorter keep-alive time. You can do this by creating a custom configuration for the Resilience4j circuit breaker:

public class CircuitBreakerConfig {
  public Customizer resilience4jConfigurer() {
    return builder -> builder.circuitBreakerConfig(CircuitBreakerConfig.custom()
  public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler threadPoolTaskScheduler() {
    ThreadPoolTaskScheduler threadPoolTaskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
    return threadPoolTaskScheduler;

In the above configuration, we’ve set the pool size to 5 and the keep-alive time to 30 seconds. This will reduce the delay caused by the scheduled thread pool.

Adjusting the Timeout Configuration

To resolve the delay caused by the timeout configuration, you can adjust the timeout value for the half-open state. A lower timeout value will reduce the delay:

public class CircuitBreakerConfig {
  public Customizer resilience4jConfigurer() {
    return builder -> builder.circuitBreakerConfig(CircuitBreakerConfig.custom()
            .waitDurationInOpenState(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // Reduced timeout

In the above configuration, we’ve reduced the timeout value for the half-open state to 1 second, which will reduce the delay.

Best Practices for Using Resilience4j with Spring Boot

To get the most out of Resilience4j with Spring Boot, follow these best practices:

  • Monitor and Adjust: Monitor your circuit breaker metrics and adjust the configuration as needed.
  • : Use fault tolerance mechanisms like retry and fallback to handle failures.
  • : Test your circuit breaker configuration thoroughly to ensure it’s working as expected.
  • : Use a custom configuration for Resilience4j to fine-tune the circuit breaker settings.


Delays in call execution during the half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker in Spring Boot can be frustrating, but by understanding the causes and applying the solutions, you can resolve the issue. Remember to follow best practices for using Resilience4j with Spring Boot to build a resilient and fault-tolerant system.

Circuit Breaker State Description
Closed Requests are sent to the service as usual.
Open Requests are blocked, preventing further failures.
Half-Open A single request is sent to the service to check if it’s available again.

By applying the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your system is resilient and fault-tolerant, providing a better user experience for your customers.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Delays in Call Execution During Half-Open State with Resilience4j Circuit Breaker in Spring Boot”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about delays in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker in Spring Boot.

What is the primary reason behind delays in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker in Spring Boot?

The primary reason behind delays in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker in Spring Boot is that the circuit breaker is trying to detect whether the service is healthy again or not. During this period, the circuit breaker will continuously send a probe request to the service to check if it’s available.

How does the half-open state affect the call execution in Resilience4j circuit breaker?

In the half-open state, the circuit breaker allows a limited number of calls to pass through to the service to test its health. This means that only a certain percentage of calls will be executed, while the rest will be blocked, resulting in delays. The goal is to prevent overwhelming the service with requests if it’s still unhealthy.

Can I configure the delay in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker in Spring Boot?

Yes, you can configure the delay in call execution during half-open state by adjusting the wait duration in the circuit breaker’s configuration. This allows you to fine-tune the delay to suit your specific use case and service requirements.

Is there a way to avoid delays in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker?

One way to avoid delays is to use a more advanced circuit breaker implementation that can dynamically adjust the wait duration based on the service’s response time and error rate. Another approach is to implement a fallback mechanism that can handle requests during the half-open state, ensuring that calls are executed without delays.

What are some best practices to minimize the impact of delays in call execution during half-open state with Resilience4j circuit breaker?

To minimize the impact of delays, it’s essential to monitor your service’s performance and adjust the circuit breaker’s configuration accordingly. You should also implement a robust fallback mechanism, use bulkheads to isolate dependencies, and consider using a distributed circuit breaker to handle high traffic volumes.

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