How to Add ‘OR’ Condition in Wildcard File Path in Synapse: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Add ‘OR’ Condition in Wildcard File Path in Synapse: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse? Do you want to learn how to make your data integration tasks more efficient and flexible? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse, step-by-step.

What is Wildcard File Path in Synapse?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s quickly cover what Wildcard file path in Synapse is. In Synapse, a Wildcard file path is a way to specify a pattern for file names or paths that you want to include or exclude from your data integration tasks. This feature allows you to be more flexible and efficient when working with large datasets.

Why Do You Need to Add an ‘OR’ Condition?

Sometimes, you may need to include files that match multiple patterns or conditions. This is where the ‘OR’ condition comes in handy. By adding an ‘OR’ condition, you can specify multiple patterns or conditions that a file must match to be included in your data integration task. This makes your data integration tasks more robust and flexible.

Step 1: Create a New Data Flow

To add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse, you’ll need to create a new data flow. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Synapse account and navigate to the “Develop” hub.
  2. Click on the “New data flow” button.
  3. Choose a name for your data flow and select a dataset.
  4. Click on the “Create” button to create a new data flow.

Step 2: Add a Source Transformation

Next, you’ll need to add a source transformation to your data flow. This transformation will allow you to specify the files you want to include in your data integration task. Follow these steps:

  1. In the “Activities” pane, search for “Source” and drag the “Source” transformation to the canvas.
  2. Double-click on the “Source” transformation to open its properties.
  3. In the “Source type” dropdown, select “File”.
  4. In the “File path” field, enter the Wildcard file path pattern that you want to use.

Step 3: Add an ‘OR’ Condition

Now, it’s time to add an ‘OR’ condition to your Wildcard file path. Follow these steps:

In the “File path” field, enter the following syntax:


In this syntax,:

  • /path/to/files/ specifies the directory path.
  • * is the Wildcard character that matches any characters.
  • {(pattern1|pattern2|pattern3)} specifies the ‘OR’ condition. Each pattern is separated by a pipe | character.

For example, if you want to include files that match either file*.txt or file*.csv, you would enter:


Step 4: Configure Additional Settings (Optional)

Depending on your requirements, you may need to configure additional settings, such as:

  • File name filters: You can specify additional file name filters to further reduce the number of files included.
  • File system settings: You can configure file system settings, such as the file system type and authentication details.

Step 5: Test and Run Your Data Flow

Once you’ve added the ‘OR’ condition to your Wildcard file path, you’re ready to test and run your data flow. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Debug” button to test your data flow.
  2. Verify that the correct files are being included in your data integration task.
  3. Click on the “Run” button to run your data flow.

Common Scenarios and Examples

Here are some common scenarios and examples of using an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse:

Scenario Wildcard File Path Description
Include files with multiple extensions /path/to/files/*{(file*.txt|file*.csv|file*.json)} Includes files with .txt, .csv, or .json extensions.
Include files with multiple date patterns /path/to/files/*{(2022-01-*.txt|2022-02-*.txt|2022-03-*.txt)} Includes files with dates in January, February, or March 2022.
Exclude files with specific names /path/to/files/*{(file*.txt&!(file1.txt|file2.txt))} Includes files with .txt extension, but excludes files named file1.txt or file2.txt.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some best practices and troubleshooting tips to keep in mind when using an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse:

  • Use clear and concise pattern names to avoid confusion.
  • Use the correct syntax for the ‘OR’ condition, with each pattern separated by a pipe | character.
  • Test your data flow thoroughly to ensure that the correct files are being included.
  • If you’re experiencing issues, check the file path and pattern syntax for errors.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse. By following these steps and best practices, you can create more flexible and efficient data integration tasks that meet your specific requirements. Remember to test your data flow thoroughly and troubleshoot any issues that arise. Happy integrating!

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “how to add ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to add ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse!

How do I add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse?

You can add an ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse by using a comma (,) to separate the conditions. For example, `file_path = *.txt,*.csv` will include files with both `.txt` and `.csv` extensions.

Can I use multiple ‘OR’ conditions in Wildcard file path in Synapse?

Yes, you can use multiple ‘OR’ conditions in Wildcard file path in Synapse. For example, `file_path = *.txt,*.csv,*.xls` will include files with `.txt`, `.csv`, and `.xls` extensions.

How do I combine ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ conditions in Wildcard file path in Synapse?

You can combine ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ conditions in Wildcard file path in Synapse by using parentheses to group the conditions. For example, `file_path = (*.txt,*.csv) && file_path != *_old` will include files with `.txt` or `.csv` extensions and exclude files with `_old` in the name.

Can I use Wildcard characters with ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse?

Yes, you can use Wildcard characters with ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse. For example, `file_path = *_report*.txt,*_report*.csv` will include files with `_report` in the name and `.txt` or `.csv` extensions.

Are there any limitations to using ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse?

Yes, there are limitations to using ‘OR’ condition in Wildcard file path in Synapse. For example, you can only use a maximum of 10 ‘OR’ conditions in a single file path. Additionally, using too many ‘OR’ conditions can impact performance.